Offshore Banking

An Offshore banking Unit (OBU) of a Bank is a deemed foreign branch of the parent bank located within Bangladesh, and shall undertake International Banking business involving foreign currency denominated assets & liabilities. An offshore bank is simply a bank based in a jurisdiction outside of your country of residence. Accordingly, Jamuna Bank Limited has started its OBU operation on 22nd April 2010 having following objectives:

  • To widen and diversify JBL’s area of services to the foreign investors as they do not have the opportunity of availing credit facilities from different Financial Instittution in Bangladedsh.
  • To diversify the sources of foreign exchange earnings by increasing export of Bangladesh throgh the EPZs.
  • To encourage and foster establishment and development of industries and commercial enterprises in EPZs in order to wider and strengthen the economic base of Bangladesh.

Jamuna Bank Limited offer the following range of Offshore Banking Services:

  • Foreign Currency Deposites( Non Resident entitles and NRBs)
  • Loan in Foreign Currencies
  • Credit Facilities including Trade Financing
  • Negotiation/Purchase of Export Bills
  • Discounting of Export Bills
  • Corporate Treasury Services.
  • Competitive interest rates
  • Easy international transfers
  • Fee free accounts

Offshore Bank Accounts

We offer a professional no obligation advice service because we understand that the offshore world offers many advantages but can be complex and sometimes daunting; and we remain independent when it comes to solution provision. This means we have access to the complete spectrum of offshore products and we can assist you to make well-informed, secure and profitable decisions and to select the right offshore bank account for your needs.