Anti Money Laundering


Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing is being viewed as a part of the Core Risk Management of the Bank. Jamuna Bank Limited is committed to the highest standards of anti money laundering compliance and requires management and employees to adhere to these standards to prevent use of our products and services for money laundering & terrorist financing purposes. 

As guided by Central Bank, a separate Anti Money Laundering Division has been formed at its Head Office which has been functioning under the guidance of a Deputy Managing Director, who acts as the Chief Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer (CAMLCO) of the Bank. A responsible officer has also been nominated at each branch who is named as Branch Anti Money Laundering Compliance officer (BAMLCO). Adherence to the Jamuna Bank Anti Money Laundering program is the responsibility of all employees of the Bank.


Process to prevention of Money Laundering


To prevent money laundering, Jamuna Bank Limited follows the following rules:

  • Maintaining KYC policy / procedures before opening a new account.
  • Properly collection of all necessary papers relating to the customer’s profession.
  • Categorization of risk based customers and it’s monitoring.
  • Monitoring of transactions & maintaining the transaction profile (TP) compulsorily for all clients.
  • Analysis of CTR data and reporting.
  • Reporting suspicious transactions.
  • Periodical review of KYC/TP.
  • Monitoring, structuring, over/under invoicing cautiously.
  • Physical inspection of branches on regular basis to check the status of AML compliance.
  • Following self assessment process.
  • Testing the system of independent procedures.
  • Arranging daylong training/awareness program for the employee.
  • Arranging Lead Bank training program as nominated and conducted by Bangladesh Bank.
  • Building up public/customer awareness on AML. 


Executive Summary for AML/CFT Guidelines

As the financial institutions are particularly vulnerable to money launderers, Jamuna Bank has developed and implemented a policy guideline to combat money laundering which has duly approved by the Board. The policy reflects the Board of Director’s commitment to comply with the Money Laundering Prevention Act, Central Bank’s instructions and other local and international regulations. This Guideline has been designed with clear description of the roles / responsibilities of the senior management and every employee of the Bank. Jamuna Bank Limited examines its Anti Money Laundering strategies, goals and objectives on an ongoing basis and maintains an effective Anti Money Laundering Program for the Bank’s business that reflects the best practices of AML compliance. The Guideline includes client screening and monitoring requirements, “Know Your Customer” policies (including the requirement to establish the identity of beneficial owners), record keeping requirements, the reporting of suspicious circumstances in accordance with relevant laws and training.



Wolfsberg Group Questionnaire

In line with the compliance of Global AML/CFT standard, we are to exchange / review “AML/CFT –Questionnaire” (as modified on the basis of the Wolfsberg Group Questionnaire) for establishing/maintaining correspondent banking relationship with Correspondent Banks, Financial Institutions and Remittance Companies. Such compliance reflects the standard of AML/CFT measures and regulatory regime of the Correspondent Bank and its Country jurisdiction.



USA Patriot Act Certification

Jamuna Bank Limited through its Anti-Money Laundering Division is fully compliant with the Government’s anti-money laundering and anti terrorist financing legislations, central bank’s guidelines/instructions and also international directives, e.g., USA Patriot Act.